About me

Rita Villamar

My journey towards supporting individuals in emotional, mental, or physical distress began during an internship in equine therapy when I was 14 years old. It was then that I experienced the power of healing that occurs in partnership with horses. 

As I progressed through life experiences and my education, I realized that equine therapy was not the only solution for advancing on the path to healing. 

My personal experiences in energy healing, intuitive coaching, and my travels around the world have helped me understand that each person has different needs and that the path to fulfillment is unique to each individual. This led me to open myself to new knowledge and to train myself in various tools. 

I am convinced that to heal, it is necessary to free oneself from the past, to give meaning to experiences, and to dare to step out of the comfort zone in order to create a new reality.

Passionate about knowledge and self-taught, I have trained in several areas:

• Clinical psychology
 • Intuitive coaching 
• Trauma informed equine assisted therapy and neuroscience
 • Body mobilization ·         

Holistic care:

• Deep relaxation and massages 
• Energy healing with the Lecher antenna   

I offer guidance that adapts to your needs and that aligns with who I am. During sessions, I listen to you and welcome you in a caring environment. I provide you the opportunity to learn to let go, to reconnect with your body and emotions, to release blockages, to find harmony between the mind and intuition, and to deepen self-awareness. 

My philosophy: TAKE THE TIME! 

Taking the time to indulge oneself, to return to the essentials, to reconnect with oneself, and to rediscover the ability to marvel at simple things. 

Because taking the time allows us to invite joy into our lives!

 Bachelor’s degree in clinical psychology and psychopathology |URL| Guatemala Master’s degree in clinical psychology and psychopathology |ULB| Belgium Trauma informed equine assisted therapy |Natural Lifemanship| USA  


Baccalauréat en psychologie clinique et psychopathologie |URL| Guatemala

Master en psychologie clinique et psychopathologie| ULB| Belgique

Thérapie assistée par le cheval centrée sur le trauma |Natural Lifemanship| USA